January 2, 2009, Newsletter Issue #7: Barnes and Noble Bookstore Author Appearances

Tip of the Week

I don't think I've met a new author, yet that hasn't wanted to appear at Barnes and Noble.  They have dreamt all their lives about speaking at their local B&N when their book is published. Why?
Appearing at Barnes and Noble denotes you have "arrived" as an author. After all, celebrities, Presidents, CEOs, Nobel Laureates, and  The NewYork Times bestselling authors have all appeared at a Barnes and Nobel somewhere, sometime.  Joining the "club" of authors who have stepped in front of a B&N audience is validating for the author in so many ways.  It's an event that the whole family can attend.  Many authors turn this appearance into a launch party inviting family, friends and colleagues to gather 'round in celebrating the birth of their book.
On the sales side of things, the bookstore will purchase a quantity (15+) of books to support the author’s appearance. The author’s appearance will be listed in the bookstore’s calendar of events and their website. An e-mail blast may be sent to their customer base. B&N takes out a monthly ad in the The New York Times for their New York City stores announcing the upcoming month’s author events.
If you are an unknown author, you will be asked to supply the bookstore with a guest list of 25-50+ who may be inclined to support your appearance by attending and purchasing a copy of your book. Do your own promotional e-mail blast to ensure you will have people in the audience. There is nothing so embarrassing for the author and the bookstore as to host an author event where little or no people show up.

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